Body Fat Calculator

Estimate your body fat percentage and understand your body composition and health status

Body Fat Calculator

Calculate your body fat percentage, body fat weight and lean body mass.

Understanding Body Fat

What is Body Fat?

Body fat, scientifically known as adipose tissue, serves multiple important functions in the human body. Its primary role is to store energy in the form of lipids, but it also provides cushioning and insulation for your body.

Your body contains two main types of fat:

    1. Essential fat: This type is necessary for normal physiological functions, especially those related to hormone production and regulation. Women naturally have higher levels of essential fat than men due to reproductive and hormonal requirements.
    2. Storage fat: This is the additional fat that accumulates in adipose tissue. While often viewed negatively, a certain amount of storage fat is beneficial as it protects your internal organs and provides energy reserves during times of need.

Understanding your body fat percentage gives you valuable insights into your overall health beyond what weight alone can tell you.

How Body Fat is Calculated

This calculator uses a formula validated by the American Diabetes Association, tested on over 6,500 individuals with an average error of only 4.66%:

Body fat % = –44.988 + (0.503 × age) + (10.689 × sex) + (3.172 × BMI) – (0.026 × BMI²) + (0.181 × BMI × sex) – (0.02 × BMI × age) – (0.005 × BMI² × sex) + (0.00021 × BMI² × age)


    1. Sex is coded as 0 for males and 1 for females
    2. BMI is calculated as weight(kg) divided by height(m) squared

While this formula provides a good estimate, it's important to remember that different body types can affect the accuracy. For example, very muscular individuals may have a higher BMI but lower body fat percentage than what the formula suggests.

Healthy Body Fat Ranges

According to the American Council on Exercise, these are the general categories for body fat percentage:

For Women:
    1. Essential fat: 10-13%
    2. Athletes: 14-20%
    3. Fitness: 21-24%
    4. Average: 25-31%
    5. Obese: 32% and above

For Men:
    1. Essential fat: 2-5%
    2. Athletes: 6-13%
    3. Fitness: 14-17%
    4. Average: 18-24%
    5. Obese: 25% and above

These ranges should be used as general guidelines. The ideal body fat percentage varies based on age, genetics, activity level, and overall health goals.